It can be extremely difficult to let go of a relationship, as you have to face your fears and feelings. Hopefully you knew it was coming and you did not get blindsided by it. If you knew that it was coming, then you will be able to let go with ease. The feeling that you feel right now is the feeling that you are being hit by a Mack truck twice by the fact that you were blindsided.

The pain, the anger, and now you have questions. How did I not see this coming? What did I do wrong? What could I have done differently? Why are you acting in this manner? The questions you ask may never get an answer. And if they do get answered, you might not like the answers, so maybe it is best to leave them unanswered if they don’t get answered.

Letting Go Of A Relationship

The process of ending a relationship is very much similar to that of dealing with the death of a family member. When you let go of a relationship, you must go through a grieving process, especially if you had a long-lasting relationship with that person. It is important to seek guidance from a counselor or a support group to guide you through this grieving process.

It is beneficial if you ask good friends or family members for recommendations and keep them close for moral support, a true man of God can give you spiritual guidance, or you can simply look for a counselor in the yellow pages if you want to be private and not air your dirty laundry, so to speak.

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In some cases, you feel so deeply hurt that you don’t think you can handle it that you push it down and deny your feelings. After that, one day you are unable to hold on to those feelings any longer and they come out as anger. If you are angry at the other person who broke up with you or if you feel angry at yourself for letting yourself get blindsided, then you may start to feel guilty when the anger subsides since you might have said or done something you regret later in life because you got so angry.

In an attempt to overcome the emotional pain, you may contemplate bargaining with your higher power, but all of the sudden one day you wake up and the sun is shining and all of a sudden you find that you are able to accept and enjoy your new life once again and smile for the first time in a long time.

The moment when you finally begin to accept your fate, you will be able to start to rebuild your life. Life does continue, so take each day as it comes and realize that you are strong enough to get through a tough situation. Be proud of yourself for your determination and perseverance. Do not jump right back into another relationship after losing someone in your life, and take your time finding out who you really are.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying your new found freedom, taking up a new hobby, learning a new skill, just being who you are for a while, and not what someone else thinks you should be. Be as kind to yourself as you can, and you might just find that letting go of that relationship was the right thing to do.