It is possible to get help if you and your significant other are about to break up if you need it. Never break up with someone by phone or text message. Be sure to break up with them in person, in a private setting. Don’t humiliate them by breaking up with them in public. If you do this, you will be more respectful of yourself and although they may not like that you are leaving them, they will have a greater appreciation for you in the long run.
This advice won’t work if your significant other has a tendency to become violent. If that’s the case, stay safe and begin the breakup by phone or in public.
If you need break up help because you met someone else, keep that information to yourself. Even if they ask, don’t reveal it to them. It doesn’t make sense to cause them more pain than they already feel. If you’re ready to start your new relationship, just keep it under wraps. At least for a while. Don’t make your ex or new love mad at you or your new love for being over your ex. Create new memories together in new places, just the two of you.
Even though you may feel nervous when breaking up with them, prepare what you will want to say beforehand. Don’t back down. You made your decision for a reason, so stick to it. If you try to let them down easily, you will sound less convincing. They’ll still be hurt regardless, so state your points calmly and confidently…then run for cover. lol.
Do not call them or take their calls after the break up. You will only give them false hope and keep the hurt fresh in your minds as well. Don’t fool yourself, you will also feel loss when the two of you break up. Change the habits you had together. You might accidentally bump into them and they might believe you are just there to see them. So, don’t keep going to the same coffee houses or restaurants you used to frequent together.
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The best thing you can do if you haven’t already met someone new is to wait for a while before you start dating again. Although you’ve had more time to process the breakup than your ex, you should still give yourself some time to adjust. Even if you ended the relationship, you can still be vulnerable to a rebound relationship, so be patient.
The break-up is tough no matter which side you’re on. Unless your ex was a real jerk, you’ll want to make sure that the break-up is done as gently as possible. These tips could be all you need for a good break-up.