What does it mean to be committed to someone? Most couples are together because of a sexual attraction or shared interests. They are not deeply committed to one another at the beginning – that comes with time. You will have a deep and meaningful bond that is hard to break when you have been together for years and have shared all sides of your life, including the good and the bad.

The belief that relationships are easy is probably due to Hollywood promoting it, but in reality it is a pack of lies. There is nothing easy about a relationship between a man and a woman. It is difficult to communicate when people are different sexes, let alone when cultural and social differences may exist! When two people first meet, they are in the fantasy stage, which is often referred to as the ‘stage of fantasy’. In this phase, everything is perfect, the person you are with is the best thing that could ever happen to you, sex is great, and you are unable to get enough of each other. This period can last for any length of time, but it tends to be over by the time you celebrate your first anniversary.

Committed Relationships

Committed Relationships

Once you have become familiar with each other, you may start to take it for granted. The huge sexual attraction no longer brainwashes you, and his or her habits that used to be endearing now appear annoying. The honeymoon period is over, and this describes exactly this phase in a relationship.

You may then move to a phase where you appear to fight and argue all the time. In fact, you have forgotten about the fantasy stage and now your partner is annoying you. Essentially, what is going on is a power struggle between the partners, and neither of them is willing to give ground. In order to survive this phase, people must learn how to communicate well. This is a skill that each of us must learn and master.

It is unfortunate that good communication skills are rarely taught at school or at home, which is a real pity as good communication would save many relationships. Good communication skills can easily be learned. Contact us today to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to improve your communication skills.

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After getting past the power struggle, your relationship should hopefully move into a committed phase. You’ve been through so much together, you’ve survived, the trials and arguments have strengthened you.

Your love for each other has made you accept your differences. Yes, you understand that your partner has faults and annoying habits, and they understand that you do too. To have a committed relationship is to enjoy deep love, and this is an ideal all couples ought to strive for.